In Sun West, we use the term PeBL to refer to three complementary and integrated methods of teaching:
(P) personalized learning
A variety of learning experiences and instructional approaches are used to address the distinct learning needs, interests, aspirations and cultural backgrounds of individual students.
(e) electronically
Refers to learning that in some way utilizes electronic devices or equipment; this is not to suggest that it should be the only or even the primary way of learning, but that it is a useful practice both in terms of efficient information gathering and critical skills development.
(BL) blended learning
This instructional strategy combines digital or online media with traditional, face-to-face forms of instruction. Blended learning is inherently flexible and is often incorporated into personalized learning practises.
P - Personalized learning
e - electronically
BL - blended learning
Because every child is unique. Every child deserves to learn in a way that compliments their strengths, challenges their weaknesses and enhances creativity adn self-awareness.
In Sun West, we have mapped out a plan that we believe will help our schools, our educators and our learners to embrace and capitalize on skills and knowledge that we have in regards to personalized learning.
Educators, learners, parents, community, division